Contact Us

Please fill out the contact form provided for any inquiries, suggestions, concerns, or anything you’d like to share with us.

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Frequent Q & A

A: Since we don’t have a physical shelter yet, all our rescued dogs stay at our foster homes located in Toronto area. We don’t have business hours as we are reachable any time during the day through email.

A: The adoption fees vary from up to $1,000 CAD. We accept cash, cheque and Interac e-Transfer.

A: It costs around $1000 CAD or more to bring a dog from Korea and it is usually covered by our partner dog rescue organizations in Korea and/or donations. Some of our rescued dogs may require intensive and immediate medical care and the cost varies. Transport fees and medical costs are the major expenses and the rest goes to buying dog supplies, dog grooming and maintaining the organization.

A: We don’t normally offer drop-off service unless there are exceptional circumstances. We run 100% volunteer based and most of us work full time aside from volunteering at KOCA Dog Rescue.

A: Before adoption, please make sure that everyone in your household agrees to adopting a dog and that your residence does not have any restriction on owning a dog. Also please ask yourself if you are financially stable to provide the dog with proper food and any required medical care, if you can spend enough time with the dog, and if any of your household members has shown allergic reactions to dogs in the past. If it is the first time that you are considering to own a dog, please ask other dog owners for advice. Although it is ideal that we find the dogs forever homes, we also understand difficult, unexpected situations arise and you have to make a hard decision to surrender your dog soon after adoption. Please keep in mind that we normally do not provide refunds for returning dogs.

A: Please send us an application indicating all dogs you’re interested in. If you’ve sent us an application before, you can simply send us an email indicating which dog you’re applying for this time.